Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mixed Hearing Loss and your Hearing Health

Hearing damage happens in a variety of ways. Whether it is through Conductive hearing loss, or sensorineural hearing loss. Unfortunately some individuals' hearing health might be affected by a combination of the two.

Conductive hearing loss, as previously discussed, occurs when the sound waves are not properly conducted through the outer ear, eardrum, middle ear or inner ear. The American-Speech-Language-Hearing-Association (ASHA) explains that some of the causes include “poor Eustachian tube function, benign tumors, impacted earwax (cerumen), presence of a foreign body, allergies” among others.

Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), has to do with the damage of the inner ear or the pathways from the inner ear to the brain. ASHA explains, that the causes for this can be due to “aging, head trauma, malformation of the inner ear, exposure to loud noise, drugs that are toxic to hearing and illnesses.”

Finally, mixed hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the inner, outer or middle ear or auditory nerve which results in a combination of both sensorineural hearing loss as well as conductive hearing loss. For more information visit your local New Generation Miami Hearing Center, where an audiologist such as Dr. Yvette Duran Someillan will be able to further assist you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Conductive Hearing Loss and your Hearing Health

Your hearing health can be vulnerable to many conditions that may affect it negatively. Some of these include Conductive Hearing Loss. This condition, as described by the American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) “occurs when sound is not conducted efficiently through the outer ear canal to the eardrum and the tiny bones (ossicles) of the middle ear.”

The negative effects this condition causes on your hearing health include a reduction in your ability to hear soft sounds as well as the reduction in sound level. The good news is that conductive hearing loss can be treated through medicine or surgery.

Some of the causes of this loss of hearing include residual fluid, which accumulates in the middle ear when you have a cold. Also allergies and ear infections may lead to this condition, as well as, an infection of the ear canal or a perforated eardrum, among others. If you suspect you might suffer from this condition, do not hesitate to contact your local Audiologist, such as Dr. Joseph Duran, who will help you diagnose as well as treat this illness.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sensorineural Hearing Loss: How It Affects Your Hearing

The American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has written an article discussing the three types of conditions that affect your hearing health, these include: conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss. In this article we will go over Sensorineural hearing loss or SNHL.

ASHA explains Sensorineural hearing loss as a condition that happens “when there is damage to the inner ear (cochlea), or to the nerve pathways from the inner ear to the brain.” Unfortunately, this condition cannot be corrected medically or surgically. It results in permanent hearing damage leading to hearing loss.

Some of the causes of this condition include aging, head trauma, malformation of the inner ear, exposure to loud noise, drugs that affect hearing negatively, as well as genetics. ASHA states that “the estimated yearly incidence of SSHL is 5 to 20 cases per 100,000 persons.” For more information, or if you believe you might suffer from this condition, contact your local audiologist such as Dr. Joseph Duran, who will be able to diagnose you and give you the appropriate treatment.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Josh Groban and Hearing Loss

New Generation has talked about the “Hear the World” hearing health campaign. Celebrities act as hearing loss Ambassadors, bringing awareness on topics dealing with hearing damage, and hearing aids. This week we will talk about Josh Groban and his involvement with this initiative.

Born February 27th, 1981, Mr. Groban is an American singer who has sold over 24 million records worldwide, as well as 21 million in the United States alone. He has entertained audiences with hit songs such as “You Raise Me Up” and “When You Say You Love Me.” He performed “The Prayer” with Celine Dion. He believes “sound is the key to our hearts.”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Increasing Numbers of People Suffering from Hearing Loss

Suffering from hearing loss can be devastating. The negative effects include not being able to communicate with others as well as effects on employment and education, among other things.

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the number of Americans who now suffer from loss of hearing has doubled during the past three decades. Different data has been collected from federal surveys showing alarming results. The figures, obtained from an article written by ASHA, are as follows: hearing loss for individuals aged three years or older: 13.2 million (1971), 14.2 million (1977), 20.3 million (1991), and 24.2 million (1993).

If you or anyone you know suffers from hearing health problems, do not hesitate to visit your local Miami hearing center, and make an appointment with Dr. Joseph Duran, an audiologist, who will give you information on how to treat the condition, as well as improve your quality of life with the correct usage of hearing aids.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Laura Pausini on Hearing Loss

Each week a new celebrity ambassador has been praised for their involvement with topics dealing with hearing health, such as hearing loss and the importance of using hearing aids to improve quality of life.

New generation Miami hearing center is proud to announce this week Laura Alice Rossella Pausini or Laura Pausini as the chosen celebrity ambassador. She has entertained audiences all over the world with her musical talents. She has performed her songs in five different languages including, Italian (her native tongue) as well as Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.

This talented musician, states “Hearing, especially hearing music touches our emotional side.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hearing Health Problems and Sleep

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel has shown a correlation between loss of hearing and sleep difficulties. The study enlisted the help of 298 men who suffer from work-related hearing loss.

It which was directed by medical student Tsafnat Test under the supervision of Dr. Einat K. Sheiner, among others. Ninety nine of the subjects suffered from noise induced hearing loss (or NIHL) due to constant exposure to loud noise at the workplace. These men are on average, older and have been exposed to the noise for a longer period of time.

According to the study, tinnitus (or ringing of the ears) was “noted in 51 percent of those with hearing loss and 14 percent of those with normal hearing.” It was this ringing of the ears that caused the workers to suffer from sleep problems.

The study was published in the January issue of the journal “Sleep,” and showed this connection between hearing health and sleep.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

John Legend Named Hearing Health Ambassador

As the number of people now suffering from loss of hearing increases, so do the number of celebrities joining a hearing health campaign sponsored by the “Hear the World” Initiative. The campaign concentrates its efforts in increasing understanding on matters dealing with hearing damage and the usage of hearing aids.

John Legend is one of the celebrities who has been named Hearing health Celebrity Ambassador. The famous singer, has won six Grammy Awards, is known for hit songs such as “Ordinary People.” He knows how important hearing health can be. As he states “it’s time for the world to understand hearing loss.”