Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Otosclerosis: Causes and Symptoms

In this article we will go over Otosclerosis, a condition that occurs when there is abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, which results in loss of hearing.

The National Center of Biotechnology (NCBT), explains how there is no known cause for this condition. There is a belief that it might pass down through families. NCBT explains, “People who have Otosclerosis have an abnormal sponge-like bone growing in the middle ear. This growth prevents the ear from vibrating in response to sound waves. Such vibrations are needed in order for you to hear.”

Hearing loss, is one of the many symptoms of this condition. Ringing of the ears (Tinnitus) may also result from Otosclerosis. It is important to visit your local Audiologist, such as Dr. Joseph Duran, who will give you a hearing test, and determine the level of hearing loss that occurred due to this disease.

The National Center of Biotechnology states, that the treatment of this condition may only be given until there are severe hearing problems. A hearing aid may be used to help improve your hearing. Surgery can also be an option, as explained by the NCBT “Surgery to remove part of the ear (stapes) and replace it with a prosthesis can cure conductive hearing loss.”

For more information contact your local New Generation Miami hearing center.

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